
Social Distancing without Social Disconnect: 3 Great Questions

We are social beings! We need connection. And now, more than ever, Christians need to step into the lives of friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors in creative ways to care and share the love of Jesus.

Thoughtful questions can open doors in the grocery store, on the phone, and across the back fenceeven when you are standing six feet away! 

What kinds of questions might be helpful to ask?

Doug Pollock, author of God Space, says, “We are often just a couple of good questions away from having a significant God Conversation. Doug suggests three “wondering” questions we can ask. 

I’m wondering . . . 

  1. How has the “C-Virus” impacted you and your family’s life? 
  2. What kinds of thoughts, feelings, and emotions has this worldwide crisis stirred up in you?
  3. What kind of “God thoughts” (if any) have you been having in the midst of this pandemonium? 

“Get ready to listen for heaven’s sake,” says Doug, “and then lean into the Holy Spirit after asking these questions.”

If this kind of conversation sounds awkward when standing at a distance from a neighbor, then ask if they would Facetime with you, or use Google Hangout or Zoom.

Finding out what’s happening in the lives of those around you, expressing empathy, and listening without judgment will give you insight into how to pray and how to express the love God has given you for people you know. 

Doug Pollock’s three questions also work well as icebreakers for any group you’re already in . . . or you can ask kid-sized versions at the table with your family as you are sequestered together.

Asking questions like this may give you an open door to share how God is giving you his peace during this timeor to invite someone to read a few Scripture passages with you and discuss how they apply to times of crisis. To see how this could work, read Group Options During a Pandemic in our Q Place blog, and check back here in the next few days for a new resource developed specifically for this purpose.